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  2. / Payment Policy

Payment Policy

1. Purchase and payment process:

- Please kindly select the flowers and gifts that you would like to deliver and fill in the information requested by https://xinhtuoi.online. 

- After filling in all the information, please select the button [Save your order and Pay] to complete the order.

- You make payment online via ONEPAY - one of the best payment gateways in Vietnam. ONEPAY accepts 3 popular credit cards: VISA, MasterCard, JCB, issued in any country in the world.

- When the payment is completed, Xinh Tuoi Online will send you an order confirmation via e-mail and/or text message.


2. Privacy policy

Xinh Tuoi Online commits that all the personal information will be kept confidential.

The collection and use of information of each member is only done with the consent of that customer, unless otherwise provided for by law.

- Do not use, provide or disclose to any third party about the member's personal information without the consent of the member.

- In the event that the information server is attacked by a hacker leading to the loss of member's personal data, Xinh Tuoi Online will be responsible for reporting the case to the competent authorities for timely handling and inspection. We also announce it to all members.

- Absolutely secure all member's transaction information at Xinh Tuoi Online's level 1 secure central data area.

- Xinh Tuoi Online is not responsible for as well as will not resolve any complaints related to the member’s benefit if we recognize that all the initial personal information registered before is not correct.


3) Payment methods :  

Please select the Napas 24/7 payment method for transferring to our bank account. The order is just processed when the payment is completed.

Please kindly put THE ORDER CODE or YOUR MOBILE PHONE NUMBER that you filled in the order into the payment transaction.
+ List of our bank account:

- VIETCOMBANK - Tan Dinh Branch
- Account number: 0371000502252
- Swift code: BFTVVNVX


+ Acceptable online payment methods on website: Paypal / OnePay / VNPAY / Momo…

Cash in store: You can place the order on our website and make the payment at the flowers and gifts store.

版权所有@ Beloved & Beyond -2025
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